Monday, October 23, 2006

you don't know how right you are, son

I am sitting in a cafe. there is a family of four next to me. the son, probably 11 or so just said "Dad, if you want to be a buisiness man and be really rich like donald trump you must sell corn, and lots of it"

He proably has no idea just how right he is.

read the Omnivore's dillema if you haven't yet.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Salute! Farm & Vineyard from the sky

Saturday, October 07, 2006

when we last left you the farm was going to be quiet. well that was short lived.

i now have 5 new roomates. 2 brothers, thier cousin, her husband and their 4 year old with bright red hair, thick glasses, a rare blood disorder and without a quarter of his brain. he might be a superhero. he's defintly a miracle. he is missing all of the part of the brain that manages speech, and yet he has been ble to learn to speak quite well. i like him. his name is richard.

there are 2 cats too. i like them too.

as for the adults, they are good people. they play a lot of video games, watch fox news, and eat velveeta, but the hate bush, so we can get along. I'm going to try to get them to eat tofu, but i think i'll have to sneak it into something without telling them first. i did that with eggplant and it seemed to work.

there are 3 weeks left of the season. it has been a good year. lots of yummy veggies and great people who like yummy veggies. i've got 4 months off and i'm coming to visit you.